The First Responder Community has a commitment to transparency and responsible project management of all of its projects
Communities all round the country are in need of additional or replacement equipment for saving lives or to provide quality of life to injured first responders. Historically governments have finite funds allocated to the provision of emergency equipment, subsequently many communities only have the minimum of equipment and struggle to provide an adequate response capability. The First Responder Community was established to assist all communities to grow their response capability and provide medical equipment to support the injured.
We have an ongoing challenge to anyone who wishes to support the First Responder Community cause and work with us as a volunteer project manager on any of our projects whether they of a general nature or specific to your locality or interest.
Whether you are a student (over 18) about to finish college/university of an employee of an existing business this can be a great opportunity to broaden your knowledge and horizons in the area of management using sophisticated project management principles and processed to achieve stated outcomes. Being a volunteer project manager for the First Responder Community you can take advantage of vast array benefits including:
- Developing collaboration skills with stakeholders and donors,
- Learning new techniques in management a project from start to finish,
- How to establish projects and manage teams,
- Mastering various types of communication principles including all kinds of media, and
- Creating lifelong networks of genuinely nice people.
It’s simple to get started and all you have to do is nominate your interest by a sending an email to: providing us with your contact details and the type/s of projects you would like to get started with.
The First Responder Community has a range of existing and planned projects in two areas.
- The first area deals with projects that relate to Active responders and those projects are then categorised according to the type of service (military, law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics and rescuers), the equipment that they need and a locality of need.
Examples include various types of:
* Fire engines * Ambulances * Tractors * Clearing equipment * vehicle extraction equipment
*Protective clothing * Hazmat equipment * fire fighting implements * sensors *mobile hospitals
* Catering trucks * Mobile Command and Control vehicles * water tankers * Defribulators *
* Forensic equipment * Helicopters * Emergency planes * etc
- The second area concentrates on those projects that support the injured and infirmed First Responders that have courageously fought on the frontline but have suffered from some of horrific and dangerous situations they subjected to.
Examples include various types of:
* Mobility Scooters * wheelchairs * walkers * crutches and walking sticks * Clinic chairs
*Handicap transport vehicles * Transport beds * Aged care equipment * recreational equipment
*Rehabilitation equipment * etc